Scan-on-Demand involves records being securely stored offsite and only securely returned in a digital format when they are needed. This solution is made possible when a records management provider offers both secure document storage and bulk document scanning at one location.
How does it work?
When a request for a digital copy of a specific file is made, the file is picked from its unique storage location and brought directly to the onsite scanning bureau. The file is barcode scanned at each location to track its movement and it is given a unique file barcode if it does not already have one. The document is prepped for digital conversion and scanned to the output required, for example, a searchable PDF file. This scanned file is securely delivered electronically via a secure records management portal or file-sharing cloud platform that the requestor can access using their credentials. The physical file is then returned to the box it originated from in storage.

Physical Retrievals
When a request for a physical file retrieval is made the file is picked from its box in storage, loaded onto an assigned vehicle, and securely transported to the client’s office. When the work on the file is completed, it is then collected, and securely transported back to storage where it is returned to the box it originated from.
Scan-On-Demand vs Physical Deliveries
Scan-on-demand is most suitable for organisations where a scanned copy of the file will suffice for the work at hand. Physical deliveries on the other hand are most suitable for organisations that need the original file retrieved. The chosen retrieval method, therefore, depends on the individual organisation or department's needs.
Once a file is scanned through scan-on-demand it can be added to and organised within a digital repository so that it can be accessed electronically going forward which eliminates retrieval costs. Additional documents related to the same file can also be scanned at a later point and added to the existing electronic record.
With scan-on-demand, the original file in offsite storage is also available for physical retrieval at any time if required. One acts as a backup of the other and if the physical file is no longer needed it can be shredded.
Benefits of a Scan-on-Demand Service
Scan-on-demand saves the files from having to be physically retrieved from storage, thus saving fuel emissions from the delivery vehicle.
For single files, scan-on-demand is the most cost-effective retrieval method as physical retrievals require two securely tracked trips, one to deliver the file out and one to collect the file when the work is completed.
Files are scanned as required and electronically delivered within an agreed timeframe. This solution offers quick turnaround times and allows staff to focus on their main responsibilities.
Authorised personnel can access the scanned files via a cloud portal from anywhere. The scanned files can also be shared with multiple users at the same time.
The digital files are encrypted and securely transferred electronically to authorised personnel. The physical files are also stored offsite in a highly secure document storage facility where they are protected in an access-controlled facility.
- Maximisation of Office Space
Storing records in a highly secure document storage facility is a fraction of the cost of keeping records in an office. This valuable office space can then be used for revenue-generating business activities.
Glenbeigh Records Management is a leading provider of document storage and document scanning services in Ireland. By combining our capabilities in these areas we are positioned to offer a scan-on-demand service to our clients.