Why the time has come for the digital mailroom

By Glenbeigh Records Management, Wednesday, 27th October 2021 | 0 comments
Filed under: Digital Mailroom.

A digital mailroom converts physical and electronic mail into a digital format and securely integrates it with a digital workflow in an efficient manner.

The traditional mailroom was built for a working world that no longer exists due the Covid-19 pandemic. This is because remote working was essential at the early stages of the pandemic and now as restrictions are lifted hybrid working models have become commonplace.

The challenge for businesses is that important documentation is being delivered to their organisations business address, making it difficult for time-sensitive documents to be redirected to employees’ home offices.

While implemented by many organisations as a temporary solution to remote working, the digital mailroom is essential going forward to support the new hybrid working model, giving employees efficient access to business-critical information received by mail wherever they are located.

This new way of working is one of the main drivers currently for transforming the traditional mailroom. The digital mailroom however is not limited to scanning incoming mail but can process the data contained within physical or even electronic mail and integrate it with existing systems. This is where the added value is created and existing processes are transformed.

Outsourcing a Digital Mailroom

Outsourcing a digital mailroom service can help you transform your traditional mailroom process and make information enter the organisation more fluidly, especially during periods of increased volume. It starts with identifying business critical mail. Workflows are then set up to intelligently capture and process the information in this mail to meets the demands of the business.

  • Physical Mail

A PO box is created for your documents received by mail to be forwarded to. Every morning, a digital mailroom partner picks up your mail and brings it back to their digitisation centre for processing. The mail is sorted, prepped, scanned, and indexed before the required data is integrated with a digital workflow and the correct recipient is notified. Typical examples of mail processed in this way include claim forms, invoices, applications, and legal documents.

  • Electronic mail

A dedicated email account is set up and emails that need to be processed are forwarded to this mailbox. Once a day the digital mailroom partner extracts any attachments from the emails, converts the files to the required file format, and indexes them as required. The required data is then routed to the correct recipient within an agreed timeframe via a chosen digital platform.

With experienced personnel and dedicated infrastructure, Digital Mailroom providers are best equipped to offer highly efficient and cost-effective mail processing. They also offer full traceability and data security.

There is never a better time than now to digitise your organisations mailroom operations.


Glenbeigh Records Management is a leading provider of scanning services in Ireland and provide a Digital Mailroom Solution from our digitisation bureau located in Dublin.

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