Some organisations that have identified records they wish to sort, store offsite, scan, or even shred, may not have the operational resources to undertake these projects. Glenbeigh Records Management can provide a start to finish bespoke solution for your records management project, which can be undertaken once off or on a regular basis.
Our onsite project experience includes the following:
- Sorting and boxing records – we segregate records based on agreed criteria, typically retention dates, and prepare archive boxes. Each archive is box barcoded while each record is file barcoded. The barcode numbers along with the record details (agreed criteria) are captured on a database and the records are boxed.
- File room clear outs – in this scenario a filing system typically exists and we replicate it in our offsite document storage facility by boxing, cataloguing, and securely transporting the records.
- Inventory audits – this involves confirming the contents of an archive box against the existing database and capturing any discrepancies, or even adding new detail not previously indexed. This can be undertaken on records stored in our offsite document storage facility or on records stored onsite within a filing room.
- Transporting records – this can involve moving records within a building or to another location. The existing filing system is maintained and replicated in the new location.
At the outset of any project, we discuss your requirements and draft a statement of works (SOW) detailing the tasks involved to successfully deliver the project. When reviewed and agreed, we sign off and commence the project on an agreed date.
Benefits of Outsourcing Project Services
- Save time – allow your staff to focus on the activities that drive your business.
- Saves costs – remove the need to train your staff and purchase infrastructure.
- Increase efficiency – by deploying our team, efficiency is achieved through their specialist knowledge and experience.
- Reduce risk – each task in the project is thoroughly thought through and rigorously followed by our team.

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